  /  Laying and maintenance   /  8 simple rules you should know before you start to create a laying project

8 simple rules you should know before you start to create a laying project

Interior design is not just a creative process, it is also a great responsibility. Also because the final result largely depends on the initial design project. In this article we will tell what you shoul know before starting to create a laying project and we will underline what details you have to consider to create not only a realistic rendering, but also a perfect realized project with Italon porcelain stoneware tiles.

1. All high-resolution ITALON textures are available on ArchItalon.
текстуры плитки италон официальный сайт плитки италон архиталон для дизайнеров

What is it ArchItalon?

It is a section on the official Italon website, created specifically for designers and architects.


In this section are available:

  • Italon tiles’ textures for visualizations (each tile in 3 graphic faces),
  • mono- and multi-format laying schemes with the possibility of calculating the quantity of material required for the project,
  • an expert advice,
  • information about Italon contests, etc.


After a short registration, you will get an access to all the Italon textures and other Architalon services!

2. Is the format not an exact size of the tile?

A tile format DOES NOT mean a real size. In his project a designer should consider the real tile size, which may be smaller than nominal size.

Nominal size indicates only the tile format.

Size (caliber) is the real tile size.

This parameter is indicated on the packaging, in the general catalog and on the official Italon website.

You should always ask for and check the caliber from your dealer!

3. Attention to the decors!

All the decors made by cutting (bricks, mosaics, etc.) have their spesific sizes that are different from those of normal tiles. That is why decors can not correspond to the joints of tiles.

italon tiles room stone effect porcelain stoneware beige tiles
4. The most part of the ITALON assortment has rectified edges.

These tiles are specially indicated in the catalogue as “RETT.” Rectification is a process that affects the edges of a tile. A mechanical process straightens the tile edges and ensures they are perfectly squared. So, all the tiles are exactly the same size and can therefore be laid with a minimum grout joint of 1,5 – 2 mm.  In addition, this type of edge processing allows you to make combinations of various colors, surfaces, etc., without having any problems with the grout. ITALON DOES NOT RECOMMEND the laying without grout!

5. The type of finishing is not just an aesthetic feature!

When you choose the type of tile finishing (mattstructuredhoned satin-honed-luxpolished) you should consider not only aesthetic caracteristics, but also safety parameters of each finishing.

It is important to choose tiles with extremely slip-resistant finishings for wet areas as swimming pools, shower trays, entrances, etc..


The main safety feature that you need to consider before choosing tiles is a resistance to slipping.


In the ceramic industry there are two criteria that show an ability of a surface of tiles to resist slipping. They are R and A, B, C.

Please pay attention to these criteria when you choose the tiles for your projects.

6. Laying schemes for rectangular formats 

For the laying of rectangular formats we recommend a shift of no more than 30%. Italon does not recommend laying with a 50% shift. You can find a recommended laying schemes in the collection’s catalog and on the packaging.

7. Realistic effect without the repetitiveness of the design.

We advice to take tiles from 6-7 different boxes and mix them, trying to have a “random” effect, to obtain a better aesthetic effect. Do not try to do the laying in continuity: this effect is not designed for any collection. Our porcelain stoneware should not be laid in the continuity of the design, because the graphics of a tile should not continue the graphics of another one. Regardless of the format, the coated surface will be harmonious. Before laying the tiles, however, it is advisable to check the graphic of the porcelain stoneware to make sure that two tiles with the same graphic are not close together.

8. The safe and completed project

Make your projects with care and maximum attention to details using special pieces: spigolo, spigolo A.E., step treads, bullnoses that Italon have in each collection.

The most important thing

If you have any doubts, pay attention to the product packaging or write an email to the manufacturer. All the important information that influences the laying quality is always indicated on the packaging.